Welcoming Message Korean
“Creating One Asia Together”
We are pleased to invite you to the ‘AECF 2024’
Asia Economic Community Forum (AECF) is a gathering of leaders from Asia and the world in the fields of academia, politics and business with aims to explore the identity of Asia and the direction for its future development while discussing cooperative measures to form an economic community within the region. AECF aims to integrate the Asian region. Coping with the global trend of regionalism and block formation, Asia also needs the formation of an integrated (economic) community as its long-term counter-measure.

Asia Economic Community Foundation has been holding this forum on a regular base in order to accelerate Asian economic integration by diagnosing the economic current issues of Asia and the world and propose solutions and future directions through in-depth studies
This year we are having the 16th Asia Economic Community Forum under the theme of "Asian Economic Community in the Age of US-China Competition? - Commemorating the SCOPUS Indexation of the Journal, Asia and the Global Economy. This year, the forum will be held online
We are expecting your keen interest in and full support for our 16th conference. Asia Economic Community Foundation cordially invites you to participate in this forum.
Asia Economic Community Foundation
Jehoon Park