A E C F OverviewKorean

Asia Economic Community Forum (AECF) is a gathering of leaders from Asia and the world in the fields of academia, politics and business with aims to explore the identity of Asia and the direction for its future development while discussing cooperative measures to form an economic community within the region.
One of the goals of AECF is to identify current economic issues of Asia and the world and to seek solutions. Having academics as a center, leaders of various areas such as politics, business and society-culture will produce practical outcomes of this Forum in a variety of forms including periodicals or separate books.
This forum is also a place to learn the main current trends of world economy as well as the updated research outputs regarding Asian issues since renowned research institutes and academic associations of economic and Asian matters from all over the world are participating in this forum by presenting their valuable research findings. In addition, what CEOs of worldly well-known corporations and policy makers discuss through their participation in this forum has been fully reflected in our policy prescriptions, and what related international organizations seek as alternatives for global problems is attracting the attention of opinion leaders of the world to Asia and Korea as well.
AECF also aims to integrate the Asian region. Coping with the global trend of regionalism and block formation, Asia also needs the formation of an integrated (economic) community as its long-term counter-measure. Asia Economic Community Foundation has been holding this forum on a regular base in order to accelerate Asian economic integration by diagnosing the economic current issues of Asia and the world and propose solutions and future directions through in-depth studies. This forum has also become an arena to suggest a new model of Asian regional integration through a politico-economic or an interdisciplinary approach including the announcement of a regional integration index of Asia, and to present steadily the research findings on the degree of mutual perceptions and value systems critical in community formation by conducting the Asia values survey
This forum - a place where global leaders gather to confirm the potential of Asia as a dynamic engine driving the world economy, to discuss solutions to the global economic crisis and picture the vision of Asia economic community! This is what AECF is all about!

Five traditional colors of Korea (yellow, blue, white, red and black) express five regional varieties of Asia (North East Asia, South East Asia, Central Asia, South Asia and West Asia) while integrating all Asia as one.
As Jean Monnet, Father of creating the European Union, said that the union should be the integration not of nations but of peoples, this emblem expresses the configuration of 10 peoples, symbolizing “So many men, so many minds,” gathered hand in hand surrounding a round table symbolizing equality.
The configuration of 10 peoples, symbolizing “So many men, so many minds,” gathered hand in hand surrounding a round table symbolizing equality signifies that a variety of Asians get together to cooperate for peace and vision in Asia.
The Background of Holding the Forum

Expected effects

Differentiated Strategies of Asia Economic Community (AEC) Forum

Speaker Review
Jaewan Bahk
Former Minister
Ministry of Strategy and Finance
Dong-sung CHO
Inchon National University
Josef Brada
Arizona State University
Akio Takahara
Tokoyo National University
Ali M.Kutan
Southern Illinois University
Chief economist & Managing direcotor
Caixin Insight Group
Herry Xiaoying WU
Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
Lihui TIAN
Nankai University
KIM Young-soo
2014 Asian Games Organizing Committee
Perry Mehrling
Columbia University
Shin Bong-kil
Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security
Michael Grubb
Senior Research Fellow
James A. Caporaso
University of Washington
Robert Johnson
President of INET
David Colander
Middlebury College
Patrick Smith
Former News Editor
the International Herald Tribune's
Gerard Roland
UC Berkeley
Young-Sun Lee
Taeho Bark
Minister for Trade
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Wook Chae
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Jong Tae Choi
CEO & Vice Chairman
POSCO Research Institute
Duck-soo Han
Chairman & CEO
Korea International Trade Association
One Asia Foundation
Vicente Fox
Former President
Robert Boyle
Yale Univ.
Immanuel Wallerstein
Amartya Sen
Harverd Univ.
Edward Chen
Hong Kong Lingnan Univ.
Kim Chi-ha
Poet & Professor
Dongguk Univ.
Guy Sorman
Philosopher &
Economist, Author
Jim Rogers
Regers Holdings. Co.
Mikhail Gorbachev
Former President
of the Soviet Union